Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Mirror and the Teacher

OK, more deep stuff from the deep-cold capitol of the nation. Perhaps being driven indoors by prolonged subzero temperatures is making me exceedingly "thought-ful".

A few weeks ago before the cold snap (it's up to -10 degrees F), I was walking my dog Brandy. Visualize this pooch on this trail ...

In this season, same trail...

...And as Brandy eagerly leapt out of the truck to go for our walk, I suddenly realized I was watching her intently - as if for the first time. I noted how happy she was to just be there, to be with me, doing Stuff with mom. She didn't care what the weather was, what we were doing, or where we were going. We were together. I know others have seen this before, as have I. But it was as if I was watching her for the first time...

And then I had the realization. She was in her moment, and in that moment, she was pure, unconditional love. A familiar thought, but this was one of those rare moments that a familiar thought becomes crystal clear - and it completely integrated into me.

As I watched her trotting along beside me joyful in her Now, I recalled the times when I had "had a bad day," been angry or grumpy, or snapped at her, or ignored her ...

...In that moment of grumpiness or anger, she observed me. She held a space for me to be what I thought I needed to be. Then, in the next moment, I may have gazed into her observing face and realized my state. I may have let go of the anger as I could see it reflected in her calm face as she observed me.

Negative feelings seem to be only background noise sometimes, and one can't even really say why one feels the way they do. But I have learned that all negative feelings are tied to regretting the past or worrying about the future. The only place where there is no anger or grumpiness or frustration is the Now. And so as Brandy's warm brown eyes observed my face, I may have slipped into the Now. And I saw her recognize that I was back - I was in the Now with her. And she went from observer to pure joy, still holding unconditional love for me.

This dog never lives in the past. She is always in her Now. Very present, very aware, very nonjudgmental.

I can only laugh at myself as I realize with great humility, that this canine, this brown-eyed, warm-bodied creature who came into my life, is not here because I deemed her my pet. She is not in my household because I rescued her from a puppy rescue, to meet my needs as a pet owner or a dog lover. These are illusions of a dog owner. We crossed each other's paths in a mutual agreement. She is giving me the opportunity to watch her and learn. By being present, she is residing in joy.
Does this mean she should open an Ashram atop a Himalayan mountain and go into month-long meditations with a following? Probably not. She's actually not so great when it comes to the cold, and her down doggy jacket induces paralysis, as her vet has observed (note to self: put jacket on after she gets out of the truck - otherwise, she tends to fall out of the truck with legs extended).
Brandy is here, agreeing to be in my life as an unusual and extraordinary friend. She reflects back to me all that I express toward her.

When I let go of the negative, she reflects only pure love and pure energy. She is joy in motion. And how lovely that she is as in touch with her spirituality - or more so - than any great spiritual guru sitting atop a Himalayan mountain. She is spirituality. She doesn't even need to seek it.

To be like her; to just be whole: mind, body, spirit - no seeking of the spiritual, but to just be all of it. And then to be this whole person while in the company of others. Wow. Just being present for another person. And maybe they can see themselves as I hold space for them, just as I see myself when Brandy holds a space for me. Holding nothing but love for them and their situation, with no judgment. Just as Brandy does for me. That is true unconditional love. It's not about sacrificing or being really really nice to a person. Or cajoling or empathizing. It is about being present for that person. Holding space for that person in the moment.

Brandy is my teacher of unconditional love.